Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tiny Banana Cake

Is there anything in the world more delicious than a banana cake?

That was rhetorical. Why are you answering?

*Ahem* Let's say you have some seriously ripe bananas.

You could make a pedestrian banana bread with them. (Note: not the kind of pedestrian that walks. That word does have more than one definition, you know.)

Or you could mix up all of these lovely ingredients and make a banana cake.

It really is preferable to the bread option. I'm not just saying it to be contrary.

The particular recipe that I linked to above has a strange step that involves serious freezer time immediately after baking.

It somehow makes the cake more moist and delicious. (It's like tasting the extra egg!) I haven't had the time to explore the science behind it, I just know that it works.

Banana cake usually has a cream cheese frosting. That's all well and good but, honestly, a chocolate frosting is much, much better. (I'm not advocating Hershy's cocoa. Use whatever kind you have at hand. I am championing that recipe, however, as it is the bomb diggity flip flappity jack.)(heh heh heh)

(baking notes: subbed 2% milk for buttermilk, recipe was thirded (heh))


  1. "I haven't had the time to explore the science behind it, I just know that it works."

    Who has time for science when there's cake involved?

  2. i *would* if i didn't have 80 billion other damn things going on at the moment.
